Delter Cold Drip Coffee Maker Brew Guide

The Delter Cold Drip coffee brewer is a unique and efficient way to make cold drip coffee. It uses a slow, controlled dripping mechanism to extract coffee over time, resulting in a smooth, rich, and less acidic coffee. This elegant and sleek machine obtains such consistency and flawless extractions every time.

Better yet, the Delter can keep your smooth and flavourful cold brew fresh in the fridge for up to two weeks! To top it off, the process is simple. Let's take a look!

Delter Cold Drip Coffee Brew Guide 


Brew Ratio 1:10
Coffee Beans
Medium-Coarse Grind
96°C Water

What you'll need:
  • Delter Cold Drip Brewer
  • Freshly roasted coffee beans
  • Filtered or bottled water
  • Ice cubes (optional)
  • Coffee scale
  • Grinder (if using whole beans)
  • Timer
  1. Add 50 grams of coffee grounds to the coffee basket.*
  2. Pre-wet your coffee
  3. Add the first tray - fill water to the 200mL fill line
  4. Repeat with the next two trays (total of 600ml)
  5. Place lid on and then either leave out on the bench, or in Fridge for 4-5 hour
  6. Pour out and Enjoy Delicious Cold Brew Coffee!  

*Add a paper filter on top of the coffee grounds to help evenly saturate the coffee throughout the process. 

Brew Ratio

For the Delter Cold Drip Coffee Brewer, a good starting brew ratio is 1:10 to 1:15 (coffee to water). This depends on how strong you want your brew.

  • Strong: 1:10 → 30g coffee : 300ml water
  • Balanced: 1:12 → 25g coffee : 300ml water
  • Light: 1:15 → 20g coffee : 300ml water

Shop the Delter Cold Drip at The Coffee Collective and become immerse in the cold brew world today! Don't forget to add some some freshly roasted coffee from our range of New Zealand coffee roasting partners. 
